Monday, August 27, 2007

Inspires fans in the USA

Its last “Sundays pleasure” went yesterday with antenna Brandenburg over the transmitter. But moderator Ekki Göpelt did not grow silent nevertheless. Its cult transmission runs now in the Internet radio. From the whole world, particularly from the USA and Canada already fans announced themselves each quantity.

Who hears and to see wants the 57-jährigen singer and moderator, must click. There Ekki is Sundays 11 and 23 o'clock, Tuesday 19, on Wednesdays 1, to experience Thursday 20 and on Fridays 2 o'clock. And of it the fans make use approximately around the globe obviously with enthusiasm.

“Pro transmission exactly 1 of,995 people the side”, says Ekkis friend and manager Michael Niekammer (43) can click. “Continuously gibt's demands and complaints that people had no more chance and Ekki could not experience.” To hardly believe, but the RBB sent so a world star after 17 years simply into the desert!

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